A Swiss Solution to the Global Climate Crisis

Sustainable SuperSonic Intercity and Transcontinental Travel.
The VacTrain® is the Version 2.0 of Swissmetro. It is a Maglev running in Vacuum in Tunnels below Ground. The resistances to movement and speed are eliminated instead of burning fuel to overcome them.
The technology is being developed in Switzerland and will be made available to countries around the world.
Air Resistance is eliminated by removing the air completely from the tunnels, which serve as tracks. Rolling resistance is eliminated with magnetic levitation. The VacTrain® floats on a magnetic field inside the tunnels. There are No wheels, No wings, No friction and No wear & tear. SuperSonic speeds become technically possible, economically feasible and environmentally friendly. The VacTrain® has a patented Switch and can build networks to span whole continents. It offers the capacity, safety and comfort needed in our modern time and age. It will outperform Short-Haul Aviation, High Speed Rail and Intercity Highways, with faster Speeds, better Comfort and lower Costs. This will be more effective than EVs, Carbon Taxes and/or Carbon Capture.
The VacTrain® can reduce CO2-Emissions of the Transportation Sector by 20% (1’000’000’000 Tons p.a.).
It fulfils the Needs of our Modern Civilisation and it makes even more sense in the World of Tomorrow.
The SwissMetro-NG Project is based on our VacTrain® Technology and has been voted into law by Parliament: